
Basic Information

Name:Scortalo LaNore

Aliases: Scort, Scorty

Relatives: Rafe LaNore (adoptive father), Itokalik (mother; resurrected) Vrivim (father; resurrected) Fintray (older brother; resurrected) Daivaka (older sister; resurrected) Erienoti (younger sister; resurrected) Grand-father (terminal) Iktelu (biological uncle; status unknown)

Affiliations: Likes: Rafe, Jirard, Hepkuh, Bridget, Rachael, Andrew, Guzman, Xaundra, Xavier, Zakorn, Wykrolov, Noranat, Fria, Boris, Pink Dislikes: Bees, specifically Observers, Dean, Ambrose

Species: Glitchrean

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Dimension Origin: Dimension 404 (Glitchrea)

Birth Date: August 8, 2011

Birth Place: Casatah, Glitchrea


Scortalo is a Glitchrean boy that was rescued by Zakorn from a post-war hell. Rafe watches over him as a son.

(Warning, things get heavy here.)


Scortalo was born in the Glitchrea dimension, in a town called Casatah. His family was a part of the Zhalglitch tribe. He had an older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister. One day, Casatah Town got ambushed by the Glitchkin tribe. He was nine at the time. Most of his family was killed in the massacre. He had a lot of terrible things happen to him during the massacre, like torture and getting violated. Only family members that survived were an uncle, who wasn’t there at the time, and who rarely ever visits anyway, to a conspicuous scale, and a grandfather, who is in a hospital, suffering from dementia, and who doesn’t remember him anymore. For a few months, he somehow managed to live by himself. He wasn't the only survivor of the massacre. Other townsfolk survived, like his senile grandfather. After a few months alone, Zakorn sent him to Dimension 38. Rafe has been watching over him.

He struggled with a dream creature, named Niluak, who trapped him in a coma. He ended up being a coma for a few days.

One day, he started to dream about an apocalyptic world. He was astral projecting in said dimension every time he slept, because he was chosen by [[Kiynoia]] to hopefully help stop the apocalypse. He helped a group of survivors to stop the apocalypse. (See Dimension 316). Months later, after Noranat reveals that they survived their fight with [[Boris Rusakov|Boris]] and [[Chaysorin]], they help to resurrect many people, including Scortalo's family. He's still watched over by Rafe, who also helps out his real family as well.


Scortalo has four floating, crown-like spikes, with one especially peculiar one; the top left one. He used to have six, but two of them were broken during the massacre. He has two green eyes. His height is 4'7 ft. He has two-clawed feet. His body color is a pale shade of blue-green. Around him flies seven pixels, which are from his lost family, up until the resurrection of his family. Pixels are what makes up Glitchreans.

Powers and Gear

* Nature manipulation.

** Plant creation

** Plant imp spawning

** Vines construction

* No longer has astral projection because Frishka and [[Sroteklar to that away from him.


He originates from Glitch Surfing, a currently fictional game that has an official soundtrack.

  • Glitch Surfing
  • There is a game being made about him, and about Dimension 316, that's set in a different canon.

    Possibly also a novelization of how Scortalo helped stop the apocalypse.

    His favorite band is ДДТ, a Russian rock band his family would listen to.

    This is a very important comfort character for me. One of my biggest fears is on war, and I can relate with Scortalo. Now, I've never experienced war first hand, I do suffer from trauma dealing with sexual assault, and I have family that have died or fought/worked in war. I know that one of my grandparents suffer from survivor's guilt. I can't ever shake the feeling that at any time that there could be an airstrike here and that I'll cease to exist. Every time I see a plane flying overhead, I can never shake those feelings away. I wish I could just say it's an irrational fear, but I don't know anymore.